Momoko is a girl who dreams of living with your head in the late 18th century France, the atmosphere frivolous, decadent and extravagant of Rococo (his credo of life), but with their feet "sinks" in the small and remote Shimotsuma, an unknown country in the Japanese countryside.
Forced to get every time a long journey to the distant Tokyo where you can buy his beloved Lolita style clothes for BABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT (make that really exists that I suppose has given a lot 'of pennies for this film! ^ __^), is ben poco compresa dai compaesani che comprano tutti e indistintamente i propri abiti nell'UNICO centro commerciale del posto, senza farsi troppi problemi di moda o di estetica...
Ichiko è una bakusozoku (teppista motociclista) irriverente, maleducata e sgrammaticata, che a bordo del suo scooter visivamente taroccatissimo, va alla ricerca del leggendario ricamatore di Daikanyama, l'unico in grado di poter cucire sulla sua kamikaze suit (la divisa lunga tipica dei teppisti giappi) un degno messaggio d'addio per la capobanda che ha deciso di andare in pensione.
Dall'incontro di questi due personaggi così particolari e distanti, si ottiene SHIMOTSUMA MONOGATARI (or KAMIKAZE GIRLS , the international title), the Japanese live-action film more entertaining and well done that has been seen in recent times, in fact, probably the last few years! :-D
And thank you very much
squall_kun and Manu that I have spoken and they did find me! ^ __ ^
Shimotsuma Monogatari film is a visually vibrant, saturated colors, full of compelling footage (the director is no coincidence that comes from the world of video), visual situations sometimes exaggerated and unrealistic (but absolutely not giving discomfort), and even two or three segments in animation!
But it is not simply a long video, it's a damn well-made comedy, lively, full of ideas that goes by without boring and manages to tear a lot 'of laughter to the many comic situations that arise between the two protagonists (but not to mention the secondary characters, grotesque and hilarious at the right point), not forgetting some situation a bit 'more serious and one or two "surprises" in the plot.
Last but not least, includes two actresses really good and incredibly expressive embodying two very different stereotypes of Japanese girl, which contributes greatly to the final result!
(if you knew what you are saying, we do not believe ... ^___^)
Not that this has any real impact on my opinion, but it seems that the film has also won some prizes at home ...
Council staff and dispassionate: hoping that sooner or later someone brave and translate the figures in Italian, Look and watch it, because it deserves so much! ^___^