Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Noma Thermostat Filter

Discussion: X

Yes, 'X' is stopped for 7 years.

Yes, I know now that J-pop plans to reprint released encouraging news, but at the moment, there is still no confirmation from CLAMP, and this is worrying.
Among the positive notes we have to say that now the time to draw 'X' we would see that TRC is over, xxxHOLiC has become Mangettes monthly and do not yet know when it will (and I would not say crap but it seems to me that Kobato had been scheduled to work quick so it may end soon).

short, their workload has been reduced considerably so ... why not 'X'?

In the meantime I invite all those who want to read it / read it / see the end to post their opinions ... and pray that the CLAMP it continue!
(and possibly give a decent fate to that poor puppy Subaru ...) Good evening

Monday, March 22, 2010

Industrial Size Trash Bag

Iconpost firm for seven years! ♥ ~ ~

people \\ o /! ♥ It's time to unveil the world all XDDD the result of my machinations of days gone by ... ICONS FOR EVERYONE! Romeo and Juliet, Act V Scene 3
Resource ~ ~ credit this credit in low


if you take ~ [info] Absolutely NOT spacciatele for yours, since I have taken countless hours of sleep time
~ A strictly personal ... # 9, # 10, # 12, # 14, love you very much. # 18 ... hate you and you make me sick. XD.
[18] X [1] Kamui Shirou [1] Subaru (/ Seishiro), Kamui [8] Subaru Sumeragi
in the presence of various body parts Seishiro of ... unfortunately, never near what they need to close that our
"useless NWS notes is useless XDDD [8] Seishiro / Subaru

001 002 003

001 002 003
005 008 011 014 017 Created with angelamaria 's @ Bauble
Icon Table Generator
me kindly note that we do not have a label for the icons ... which reminded me not only to make one but that I never posted ... -_-So remedy now ... Warnings ... The first icons were made when I was quite inexperienced ... start to become acceptable by the fifth attempt on ... 1st attempt ... TB / X & About You: 105 icons + 1 colorbar (bear with me ... I was an amateur) [info] 2nd attempt ... TRC TRC Kamui + Six & Up: 8 icons the 3rd attempt ... [info] TRC TRC Six & Up + Kamui: 5 icons + 1 of color scanning the 4th attempt ...
TRC Six & Up: 2 icons on the same page as before 5th attempt ... [info] TRC Six & Up (cover of Chapter 190): 7 + 1 scan colored icons 6 th attempt ...
TB / X & You Up (kiss comes from a doujinshi): 6 icons and 3 bars

7 th attempt ... TRC Six & Up Seishiro & X: 57 icons (including comparative X icon and you're TRC)

8th attempt ... Seishiro X: 36 icons

9 th attempt ... TB Subaru baby and teenagers: 30 icons + 2 color scanning

The Original 150 Pokemon

icons, toolbars and color scanning

Title: Sine qua non
Fandom: X

Characters: Subaru
, Kanoe Status: oneshot
Rating: For all
Word Count: 1910 (Office)
course shounen ai and spoiler for volumes 16 and 17 of the manga, otherwise there would be me. Happy birthday, michiru_kaiou7
, dear, and thanks,
[info] shu_maat , because without you threads on Subaru would not be the same as X3. And thanks to
for providing me with the scan volume of calls so kindly ^ _ ^.

[info] Sine qua non The cold seeped through with tenacity almost mocking the old screens that littered the room. Some prints exhibited fairly cheap, stained here and there with coffee, and Subaru, vaguely surprised - in correct proportions when the world around him could still generate interest - he admitted he never would have imagined such a place in the bowels of the Government Palace. "It will end to freeze, Sumeragi-san." Like a child caught copying homework, Subaru is collected by the dismantling of its position: it had bent knees, ankles, hidden under the low wooden table and leaning back against the wall. He had worn the slippers (uncut lay near his feet), and waterproof, which still survived on a few flakes of snow, glistening sluggish under the lamp. In an attempt to find himself in a posture least acceptable, just able to raise his arm in a rash and drop it around the legs bent. Kanoe lips, framed oval yellowish light bulb, smiled a grin that he knew a little 'bit of disdain and a' superior compassion. Subaru [info] not greeted - went against the principles of strict upbringing in which it was fashioned, but what, in all that had happened in general in the last ten years, and particularly in the last month, will keep their deep? It was a courtesy visit. was not even a visit, to be honest. Kanoe crushed cigarette in the ashtray in a rapid and abrupt gesture, lingering on the filter with fingers stained with lipstick, before sitting down to secure it in the face. "Sakurazuka-san was right," he said, pointing to an absent-minded gesture with one hand "you do not eat enough." Subaru swallowed the name Seishiro, shot at point blank like a gunshot and felt it ; twist in a bitter twist in the stomach. Immediately lowered his eyes, mentally counting the imaginary blue spots floating in his visual field too soon after exposure to the electric light. "Seishiro-san could leave a legacy of some more substantial details on the cuts my health, "he replied in a hostile tone, devoid of the usual calmness. Kanoe laughed, swinging the heavy pendants and earrings scattered on the bare shoulders long dark hair, in a lingering scent of shampoo and perfume. "It's a pretty impatient, I see," he exclaimed, with a vitality that proved false as the one that was so good to flaunt Seishiro: Kanoe was watching the empty eye and opaque, and in her smile there was no joy. It was no longer [info] time for pleasantries. With a look so cool from almost darken the bright green eye survivor, Subaru put the silver urn on the coffee table with more force than it would have been necessary. For its part, Kanoe performed a mortar and pestle, with seraphic calm, almost defiantly. Dispose neatly small cloth bags here and there on the table, and stood up to approach the boy, his bare feet that were just noise on the mat. crouching silently next to him, he gathered the tools work, and before Subaru could notice, he opened a cut on his index finger, leaving some big drops of blood fell into the mortar, making it fade imperceptibly. On his raincoat, stains to Seishiro had left irremovable stains, of which Subaru could still trace the outlines. The thought that, within half an hour, would be the same that climbed along the veins filled him with a joy so underground to become sick once come to the surface. no longer gave you even bother to boil it as unseemly. was what it was. was what they were.
sucked his thumb absently, clutching his tongue against the wound to observe the practical gestures of the woman and hasty - cherry blossoms, juniper berries, eyebright, lemon, sugar, a pinch of salt and one of saffron. Women. Women had always a special touch to these things, he said, without thinking too much, with a gust of Hokuto crossing his eyes and his memory like a flash. Kanoe
seemed to read his thoughts, while bent over the mortar, he chopped the content efficiently.
"It still wonders why he never touches a Kamui such a task?" Subaru processes information for a moment before I realized that Monou Fuuma was the object of discourse, and that everything else was to be removed as if it never really existed.
"It's magic that teach only to women, Sumeragi-san, as soon as they reach the age suitable for use. It happens in every family where the power flows in abundance, and the art is taught to those who have less ... inspiration, "said she, without waiting for an answer.
Subaru tried to erase all the images real and fictitious that that statement had unleashed, and discovered, too late, that the language had already moved to their own free will.
"I had a sister once." "Me too," said Kanoe slowly, in a flash a little 'sour Too much makeup of the mouth, the corners of which, now, Subaru saw the folds of a few wrinkles to read early. He looked at her blankly. The pestle, now, moved in large, fluid circular movements. "And never regret?"
"She has come?" Provoked her, barely able to keep the tone scathing. "Never enough" Subaru muttered with a sigh. Kanoe merely nodded. "This is exactly why in the world can not be saved, Sumeragi-san 'judgments lowering his eyelids with his fingertips. Subaru obeyed the touch, and trembled in recognizing the drawing, little by little, those foreign fingertips stretched around the orbit, at an intersection of lines that run on the roundness and soft under the eyelid.
In the days of high humidity, remember that the lines of the pentacle reverse stings like fire on your hands. Was surprised on how your skin might even recognize a vague drawing made of spicy mush, causing a shiver of desire as black as a starless night.

"Sakurazuka-san was the reason for its barrier, did you?" Asked Kanoe, certain not to err at all, going to the contrary, the lines drawn from its index. Subaru recognized him once again: her pentacle, the one that belonged to his family forever, and never would have branded on the hands of anyone.
twisted his lips as if the name that had accompanied that gesture could have killed him - and now she was convinced that Kanoe insisted on pronouncing it on purpose.
not answered. Kanoe
laughed so close to her face that Subaru felt a slight smell of tobacco in my nostrils.
"I will agree with me that does not make sense to want to protect the world for the sake of one person only, if, for that person, you are willing to cede the whole world, without scruple. "
The little color that Subaru had yet, as a persistent presence bothers me, vanished without a trace, leaving him as white as one dead, under artificial light.
"I am different from others. I was never interested in the des-'
"Oh, Sumeragi-san, please," she interrupted, with mocking quell'acredine a priestess who intently in a ritual would never have dared, "she just like everyone else. Anomalous that no shred of honesty that comes from his upbringing. "
Under the screen of the lips, the man clenched his teeth to hear it creak with each other.
"The Monaco of Mount Koya, the priestess of Ise ... the prostitute and the journalist starched. Even the girl with the dog and the same Kamui! It would sacrifice each other without thinking of the consequences, if it was for those they love. Yet, I wonder, would never venture such a step, if the world will be free, and only selfless love towards the human race? "
eyelids closed Subaru trembled like leaves.
"Oh, sure," he continued, as if he found it endlessly entertaining "Then there's her love that man so much that be became a perfect exoskeleton."
This time, Subaru shook violently - Kanoe was brand new symbol, and that was using the unique temperature shivered in a doodle.
It was not that tone of casualness that insisted on this, the Rainbow Bridge as if it never existed and never fell, but for that 'love

that nobody, not even Subaru, had never dared to say out loud, and perhaps even among their own thoughts in a kind of shared silence.
In his mind, there were barriers that conventionally non erano mai cadute. Sakurazuka Seishiro era stato 'la persona importante', 'l'unico in grado di esaudire il suo desiderio', tutte perifrasi per non indicare una disfatta già avvenuta.

Perché Subaru lo amava. Era l'unica parola che riuscisse a descrivere tutto, anche il peggio, in un solo colpo, e adesso – adesso che Seishiro non poteva più rispondere alle sue domande, ma nemmeno porne di nuove – poteva arrischiarsi a chiamare le cose col proprio nome.

D'altronde, non era più un Sumeragi.

Non più di quanto fosse effettivamente un Sakurazukamori.

«Non è esattamente what we could find, looking at a surplus of a murderess who has left on the edge of the plate, just for the sake of letting die of hunger, "retorted the, even welcoming the wake of vehemence that swelled in those words, and that trying to patch up all the anger in having to remind himself, even before her. The silence that followed
authorized him to believe that Kanoe was incredulous, or at least forbidden.
"Lei .. She believes that this is the reason the last wish of Sakurazuka-san? "
The surprise seemed genuine typically had the typical rate of those who were caught off guard.
Subaru nodded slowly discharged air, almost apologetically, without even asking the reason for much confusion - Whatever the answer, he knew for sure that nothing would have discovered he would return to his advantage.
"Let's hurry, I have to devote the whole afternoon," he continued, abrupt, and let those words as a palliative metal absorb the noise of the silver lid was unscrewed, and the rustle of her fingers between tassels.
The board was frozen and uncomfortable against the skin, despite the ritual had taken doodling to burn like a fever, once the cylinder was removed the eyelids, the light color.
There was a smell of incense, of what Sumeragi House was never used, but whose poles, in fact, were set aside in fear in wooden boxes. Subaru gave the stupid: it was the smell of clothes Seishiro, what tweed, nine years before, was impregnated in the recitation of cologne water.
He should have known ever since. Perhaps
had always known.
It no longer had any importance.
A moment later, he was returned to light - that no longer seemed to earlier - and opened his eyes in the mirror to see her look did not match more with what had always been, but with what he had always observed from afar.
Once, someone told him, smiling, that should have been Seishiro eyes, looking at the world in its place.
A tear slipped between the heavy brows, Colour of the ritual, to fall silent on the lapel of his jacket, as the peak of crying that lasted for minutes.
She bit her lip.
Kanoe, turning the mirror, stood up, rubbing his knees, and then waiting on the edge of the half-open shoji.
"Come, his clothes are still wet, it will take a calamity."
Nodding with a handkerchief to wipe his face tight in one hand, Subaru followed in the darkness of the corridor.


A / N
March 13, 2010, at 01:35. First of all, happy birthday Michiru ♥ all this I was lying in wait for days and I had to pull him out, after listening to almost awfully obsessive wonderful 'Passion' Neffa, of which there is an echo in the story very thin at a certain point ... to whoever locates a fic XD! Well, it was a cathartic fic, very difficult and painful XD born under the auspices of Shu, with whom I shared some of the most interesting reflections who ever came up between us on Seishiro and Subaru - and of which 99.9% ended up in here. A "conditio sine qua non" is a condition without which a given event can not occur, and I think this explains quite alone everything else ... I wanted to quote directly or Neffa Yourcenar in the opening, but honestly I did not seem appropriate, e. .. Michiru and, really, I'm sorry that it is an angst so damn awesome, but the gifts you make with your heart, and this is me in his moments of extreme fangirling on these two ... xDDDDD and even here, I said it all. I hope that through this lens, something like that makes you sparkle of all, all the happiness you deserve. \\ O /! Why, after all, but even so, sometimes I think that if I was a Dragon of Heaven, you'd be one of the reasons for my barrier ... which you autorizzebbe to worry, if I were not a Dragon plush XD!

I love you,

Juuhachi Go

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Milena Velba Teacher Student

[fic - X] Sine qua non

Okay, now I am mad all this time I designed a Movie AMV MAD in style ... and if you are interested there is also the version in Italian with subtitles.

[OR] Tokyo Babylon 1999 - From S. S. To
