Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gay Cruise Spots San Francisco

Tokyo Babylon ... spans air translations

* Someone's got the d 5 TB / book? And TB 5 of Planet?
you by chance noticed that the song they sing at the beginning of the episode Seishiro and Hokuto 'Box' is different?
In case you had not noticed I'm telling you. This is because Planet edition have remained faithful to the original manga and the Japanese have translated the song they sang ... while the d / book felt the need to sing the two 'Eternal Flame' the Bangles.
Now that we understand the text of 'Ginza No Koi No Monogatari' (who sang the song really) does not tell us anything but it is only 'Eternal Flame' is more meaningful! Among other things, sing him a song that got to do is not very American. At this point, could make him sing an Italian song so we should not even be hard to translate the lyrics in English that have nothing to do with the story ... or just let the Japanese kanji seen that both have replaced them with a song at random, just to prove that what was written there could not care less ...


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